发布于 2024-04-17 / 73 阅读

Appstore Listing Submission Authorization Limit

[Action Required] Appstore Listing Submission Authorization Limit

Appstore Listing Submission Authorization Limit


You are receiving this email because you are registered with Selling Partner API (SP-API) as a Public developer and have more than 25 authorizations associated with one of your applications. As a Public developer using data from Amazon SP-API, you are required to list your application in the Selling Partner Appstore if you sell your application or offer it for use to selling partners other than yourself. This requirement is listed in the Amazon Selling Partner API Developer Agreement (

We have blocked your ability to receive new seller authorizations until you successfully list your application in the Selling Partner Appstore. If you do not list your application by 04/22/2024, we will remove your access to SP-API, which will also impact the customers who have already authorized your application.

Please follow these steps to submit the necessary form by 04/22/2024:
Step 1. Log into Seller Central as the primary account holder of your merchant account.
Step 2. Complete the form below for your organization:
• Selling Partner Appstore Listing form (
3. Reply to this message with the case IDs generated from your submission.

If you are having trouble completing the forms, please reply to this message describing the nature of your issue.

Thank you,

Amazon Services API Team


您收到此电子邮件是因为您已在销售伙伴API (SP-API)注册为公共开发人员,并且拥有与您的一个应用程序关联的25个以上的授权。作为使用Amazon SP-API数据的公共开发人员,如果您出售您的应用程序或将其提供给您以外的销售合作伙伴使用,则需要在销售伙伴应用商店中列出您的应用程序。此要求列在亚马逊销售伙伴API开发者协议(。

我们已阻止您接收新的卖家授权,直到您在销售伙伴应用商店中成功发布您的应用程序。如果你未在 2024 年 4 月 22 日之前列出你的应用程序,我们将删除你对 SP-API 的访问权限,这也将影响已授权你的应用程序的客户。

请按照以下步骤在 2024 年 4 月 22 日之前提交必要的表格:

第 1 步。以商家账户的主要账户持有人身份登录卖家平台。


• 销售伙伴应用商店列表表格 (

第 3 步。使用提交生成的案例 ID 回复此消息。


  • 由于您是公共开发者,并且拥有超过25个授权,您需要在销售伙伴应用商店中列出您的应用程序。

  • 这是亚马逊销售伙伴API开发者协议的要求。

  • 由于您尚未列出应用程序,亚马逊已阻止您接收新的卖家授权。

  • 如果您未在2024年4月22日之前列出应用程序,亚马逊将删除您对SP-API的访问权限,这也将影响已授权您的应用程序的客户。

  • 您可以按照以下步骤在2024年4月22日之前提交必要的表格:

    • 以商家账户的主要账户持有人身份登录卖家平台。

    • 为您的组织填写销售伙伴应用商店列表表格。

    • 使用提交生成的案例ID回复此消息。



亚马逊私有 Private的开发者将成为过去

